// what we do //

Services & Offerings


The services listed here encompass a broad, ten thousand foot view of what ANIMA STRATEGY offers. Book your free consultation now, and we’ll tailor a plan that’s perfect for your unique business needs.


Executive Coaching

Support designed to overcome the burdens of leadership (via objective strategic analysis and business therapy offerings).


Legal Protection

Insight covering where your business is exposed, and where you could be taken advantage of or exploited in the future.


Hiring & Reorganization

Expert advice on your company’s internal matters which ranges from team building to employee compensation and classification.


Deal Negotiation

Assistance reaching and agreeing upon favorable terms and ensuring proper documentation when said terms are reached.


Marketing Strategy

Outside perspective on your current brand alignment and gut check on your long-term plans & competitive positioning.


Process Optimization

Design and implement organizational and operational efficiencies that save your business time, money, and effort.


Contract Drafting

Assembling all the pieces to your best advantage while ensuring your business is adequately protected through documentation.


Culture Development

Culture audit to ensure you’re doing everything possible to attract and keep the best talent (and their best work).